Firefox share up over 20% in Europe, mostly at expense of IE

XiTi's breakdown of monthly Firefox market share gains for the past year show that the browser climbed from about 20 percent two years ago to 23.1 percent in December 2006 to a record 28 percent in December 2007. Firefox market share hit a plateau and hovered around 27.7 percent between June and September before taking a 0.7 percent drop in October, but then recovered prior to reaching 28 percent last month.
XiTi also provides market share statistics for 32 individual European countries. Finland currently has the highest Firefox market share in Europe with 45.4 percent, followed by Slovenia with 44.6 percent and Poland with 42.4 percent.
In December alone, Internet Explorer fell to 66.1 percent in Europe after losing 0.9 percent market share. During the same time period, Firefox gained 0.7 percent. The statistics show that Safari currently has only 2 percent market share in Europe.
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