Thursday, July 12, 2007

Web 2.0 is built on Open Source

Amazon uses Linux. eBay uses Windows. But what OSs and webservers run Web 2.0? We tested 17 of our favorites and found out. The script is included below to check for yourself. Read more

Site Webserver Operating System

Apache httpd

Blip TV Apache httpd Linux

Trumors Apache httpd 1.3.33 Linux

Reddit lighttpd 1.4.13 Linux

PopSugar lighttpd 1.4.11 Linux

Twitter Unknown Linux

MobiTV Apache httpd 2.0.52 ((Red Hat)) Linux

Technorati Apache httpd Linux Unknown Linux

Flickr Apache httpd 2.0.52 Linux

MySpace Microsoft IIS webserver 6.0 Windows (although OS responding is Linux, this is a caching service).

TechCrunch lighttpd 1.4.15 Linux

YouTube Apache httpd Linux

Revver Apache httpd 2.0.55 ((Ubuntu) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.2) Linux

Scribd Mongrel 201.0.1 Linux

Photobucket Apache httpd Linux

Wikipedia Squid webproxy 2.6.STABLE12 Unknown (while OS responding is Linux, this is likely a caching service).