Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Event Driven Programming with JSF

Event Driven Programming with JSF

This article discusses theories and concepts related to JSF Event Model. It details the supporting high level classes and interfaces that are involved in JSF Event Handling Mechanism. The logical categorization of JSF Events is also explained along with code snippets. Then, the tags available in the core JSF Framework are also discussed.

Accessing Web Services from JSF applications

Accessing Web Services from JSF applications

In this technical article, let us see how it is possible to access Web Services from JSF Applications. JSF Application resides in the Web Tier of a typical Enterprise Application, whereas Web Services are External Services that reside in the Application Tier. We make use of Java EE 5 for developing the Sample Application in the final section of this article. It is assumed that readers have sufficient knowledge of JSF and Web Services before continuing this article.